Delaware Valley Opera Buys Its Very Own Theater!!!
Today is a day of BIG news! It is with enormous pride and considerable emotion that the Board of Directors of Delaware Valley Opera announces that DVO has purchased its very own theater, the former "Nutshell" bar, restaurant, art gallery, theater and nightclub on Route 52 in Lake Huntington, NY. After 35 years (remember that "Magic Number," 35!) performing at venues ranging from the theater at SUNY Sullivan to "Harmonie Hall" at the Western Hotel to the Lumberland Town Hall to the Tusten Theatre and beyond (with lovely memories attached to each and every one of them), DVO finally has its own, year-round home: The Delaware Valley Opera Center!
Although we will be doing upgrades, beautification and renovations for years to come, the Delaware Valley Opera Center is "performance ready" and we will be producing our inaugural production...David Conte's "The Gift of the Magi" its main theater this December. Amenities include a stage and large theater featuring flexible seating options, from traditional rows to dinner-theater and more, an intimate cabaret-style space (perfect for smaller concerts), office space, ample rehearsal, dressing room, and storage space, space for workshops and educational programs, a commercial kitchen and full bar capacity, and much, much more.
What this means is that DVO can "up" its involvement in the region year-round, without the difficulties of securing rented space. Workshops (for both children and adults), lectures, concerts, and small productions (in addition to our traditional summer operas and operettas) will increase, with ample opportunities for involvement by regional and visiting performers, as well as by members of the community and interested children and youth. Now, more than ever, DVO will be YOUR company, a place to call "home," a venue to nurture your creative soul....

Seeking Your Support to Build and Improve Our New Home!
DONATE NOW You can support the work to renovate the new opera center by making a donation in any amount!